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Home Dental Services Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea Woodburn OR

Woman covering ears while husband snoresIf you snore or have been previously diagnosed with sleep apnea and cannot tolerate your prescribed CPAP, Dr. Horn and the team at Mid Valley Family Dental can evaluate you and work with your Sleep Doctor to provide a solution with a medically-approved, custom-designed and fitted dental appliance. The dental mouthpieces used as a treatment for sleep apnea are small, comfortable, and convenient with no tubing, no mask, and no electricity. It is as simple as wearing a retainer at night.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) occurs when the tongue and soft palate collapse onto the back of the throat. This blocks the upper airway causing airflow to stop. When the oxygen level drops low enough the brain moves out of deep sleep and the individual partially awakens. The airway then contracts and opens causing the obstruction in the throat to clear.

The flow of air starts again usually with a loud gasp. When the airflow starts again you then move back into a deep sleep. The airway muscles collapse, as you awaken with a gasp. The airway clears once again as the process repeats itself.

This scenario may occur more than 400 times during the night. The combination of low oxygen levels and fragmented sleep are the major contributors to most of the ill effects that the sleep apnea patient suffers. Left untreated, these symptoms can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, weight gain, cardiovascular issues, strokes, and even death. OSA truly is a silent killer.

People with sleep apnea may:

•  Wake up unrefreshed in the morning.
•  Feel sleepy or drowsy throughout the day.
•  Act grumpy, impatient, or irritable.
•  Be forgetful.
•  Fall asleep while working, reading, or watching TV.
•  Feel sleepy while driving, or even fall asleep while driving.
•  Have hard-to-treat headaches.

If you snore or have been previously diagnosed with sleep apnea and cannot tolerate your prescribed CPAP, Dr. Horn and the team at Mid Valley Family Dental can provide a solution with a medically-approved, custom-designed and fitted dental appliance. The dental mouthpieces used as a treatment for sleep apnea are small, comfortable, and convenient with no tubing, no mask, and no electricity. It is as simple as wearing a retainer at night.

For more information and a screening, contact Mid Valley Family Dental today at (503) 981-5111.

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Sleep Apnea • Woodburn OR Dentist • Mid Valley Dental
Struggling with sleep apnea? Discover the comfort of oral appliance therapy! Non-invasive, effective, and tailored to you. Call today for a consultation!
Mid Valley Family Dental, 745 Ray J. Glatt Circle, Woodburn, OR 97071-7629, (503) 981-5111,, 9/13/2024, Related Terms: dentist Woodburn OR,